Driving Solutions

We would highly recommend Andy as a driving instructor for your student. Our daughter Kate began working with Andy while she was a REACH student. She set driving and obtaining a license as a goal for herself upon graduation.
Covid challenged that goal, but Kate and Andy continued to work together until she passed the driving test.
Andy has the professional skill set and patience to work with drivers that need some extra time and encouragement to safely learn to drive.
Dave, Maria and Kate Wood
Anxiety Disorder
Combined Years of Teaching Experience
The only ADHD Certified driver's ed school in Iowa
We are committed to helping teens with learning challenges become safe and successful drivers.
Safer Driver Solutions uses trusted, science-based, educational models to customize our programs for Exceptional Learners.
Students with ADD, ADHD, Anxiety, Autism Spectrum Disorder, OCD, Crohn’s Disease, Bi-Polar disorder and other challenges are often turned away from driver education programs.
Most driving schools teach basic skills which entail vehicle handling and the simple skills of driving. They are not qualified to work with students with disabilities.
Safer Driver Solutions has a team of experienced driver rehab instructors who understand how exceptional students with challenges learn and process information.
We offer a safe and nurturing environment for students to learn and experiment with driving. Our Specialists will provide feedback on the student’s progress and individualized instruction.
There is growing evidence that teen drivers diagnosed with Attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have a higher risk of collisions than teen drivers without ADHD. Often, parents of adolescents with ADHD find it very difficult to work with their students in developing the skills and the behaviors necessary to become safe and responsible drivers. Students with ADHD and other conditions such as Anxiety, OCD, or Panic Disorder, can sometimes present even greater challenges.
The Safer Driver Solutions instructors work closely with students and parents to develop appropriate strategies to address a student’s specific driving needs after the initial driving assessment has been administered.
A Safer Driver Solutions driving rehabilitation specialist will work with the student during a single 1:1 lesson to conduct a thorough, realistic assessment of the student’s ability to operate a vehicle and understand the fundamentals of driving.
The instructor will assess if the student has the tools and support system at home to continue to learn and practice the program. Family support and engagement is a critical part of the process – ongoing learning and supportive interaction with the student will increase their confidence and sense of security.
Exceptional learners require a great deal of time, commitment and patience to develop safe driving skills. Students learn at different paces, so the amount of time it takes is different for every student.
Safer Driver Solution’s on road instruction course for Exceptional Learners is designed in increments of one or two lessons at a time. Safer Driver Solutions specialists will continue to instruct and assess a student’s ability and readiness for the responsibility of driving.
Defensive Driving is a critical part of our educational program. This course provides a student with the opportunity to experience “what-if” scenarios and learn from their mistakes.
This course provides real life training in 4 key focus areas:
- hazard recognition
- vehicle handling
- space management
- speed management

Andy Nelson, and Safer Driver Solutions, was a dream come true. My son was diagnosed at age 3 with Autism, and currently still has some cognitive delays. When he was little, I wasn't sure he'd ever even ride a bike, so I never considered driving a possibility.
Well, both are examples of how my son continues to blow me away. Hearing about Andy, and the specialized driving instruction he provides to his extra special students, literally made me so excited to get in touch with him.
A mom always believes her kids can do anything, and to find an instructor who believed the same, was a God send! Andy is so easy to talk to, understands parenting a special needs child, and knows the patience it takes to teach, and work with, that special young adult.
Within a few months, my son studied, past the test and got his driver's permit, began driving instruction with Andy, and myself, and now has his drivers license! He’s even purchased his own first car!!
This mom couldn't be more proud, or more thankful!!
Amanda Earle

Confidence Grew by the Day
Safer Driver Solutions was such a wonderful experience! Andy is patient, kind and extremely thorough!.
My son's confidence, excitement and safety knowledge grew by the day.
I can't say enough about the Driving for Exceptional Learners program and encourage special needs individuals and families to enroll.
The joy and independence it has brought my son is priceless